RPM Build Tips!
Now, I am trying to build a Linux system based on the Fedora Core Release! Working with the RPM system in deep.The unpackaged file terminate the build process under RPM 4.x! Unpackaged files message in RPM-4.1 and following RPM version 4.1 and following demonstrate a new behaviour in the rpmbuild process. Previously, a build process might place any number of files, say in the %install stanza, when running the make install part of a Makefile , in the customary /var/tmp/%{name}-root/ BuildRoot (the RPM_BUILD_ROOT ). Once through that part of the Makefile , it can then completely ignore these files in the %files binary packaging stanza. This often happens when an upstream maintainer adds, or deletes items from new directory spurs in the make install , and the change might be missed during an unattended or automated rebuild. This option permits careful packagers to cross check the quality of their packaging. So as a cross check, /usr/lib/rpm/check-files is now enabled during