
Small project for AWS Lambda bootstrap and deployment

The is a very small project and still at the early staging. It focuses on AWS Lambda with python bootstrap, dependencies management, deployment with Cloudformation and so forth. Project repository, Suggestion and pull request are welcome and need more test / user cases. Enjoy it then.

What is DevOPS?

What is DevOPS? As be a DevOPS engineer more than five years in the past, I was always asked what is DevOPS or what is a DevOPS role or what should a DevOPS Engineer do? Or even question like how to be a good DevOPS? What? How? should be the most two frequently questions from almost all organizations. As I am working with  Amazon Web Service  for a long time with my DevOPS career, I tried to get answers from AWS guys frist as they have a special section about AWS DevOPS, also they have AWS DevOPS certificate cources, even though I never try such cources. This is the first page said about DevOPS on AWS DevOPS to answer "What is DevOPS?", DevOps is the combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increases an organization’s ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity: evolving and improving products at a faster pace than organizations using traditional software development and infrastructure management processes. This speed enable...

First release of Advanced DCOS AWS CloudFormation Template

DCOS AWS CloudFormation Template is an easy way to try and deploy AWS based Mesosphere DCOS environment, but the community version provided by Mesosphere is complex and hard to include customization and other features, although, in the last release( DCOS Community 1.6 ), include an advanced feature I never try yet. Here, just comes my first customized version of DCOS community template with some essential points for a real running environment, more customization can be easy added then, at the same time, keep it easy to track the Mesosphere upstream release in future. If you want to try Mesosphere DCOS or deploy it, just enjoy it.

Linux block device commands

Most of Linux user use df, du or fdisk, parted to check file system, block devices on a Linux system, me too. How about trying some new staffs from the linux commands set? 1. lsblk - It is list the block devices info with friendly output, NAME                     MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda                        8:0    0 238.5G  0 disk  ├─sda1                     8:1    0   976M  0 part /boot ├─sda2                     8:2    0  31.3G  0 part / └─sda3                     8:3    0 206.3G  0 part /home sdb                        8:16   0 931.5G  0 disk  └─s...

Nouveau driver issue on workstation

The nouveau driver has issue with Fedora 22 on my workstation too, I think it might be the same issue as ElementaryOS one. For long time running, 3 or more days, Nouveau will report has no channel to connect and from Fedora's journal log, I can see many nouveau errors and system just reported /dev/dmsg overrun and some messages lost. When this happened, I hard to caught more information as the console and keyboard didn't work anymore. I can SSH to the system but it is impossible to restart GDM or X windows. Only a system reboot can bring back it. No time to dig into such problem, just try the Nvidia driver then. For Fedora user, it is luck we have a new Nvidia repository and it looks much cleaner and straightforward than before ones. Just try it. I didn't use CUDA or more features here, so I didn't install additional things. Only keep simplest life, sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo =http: // / repos / fed...

Change my workstation back to Fedora

I just changed my workstation from ElementaryOS to Fedora 22, because as months testing, I think ElementaryOS is not fit for me and it might not be a stable enough for a Cloud DevOps engineer. I am not sure what's wrong with the latest update, but it is always CRASH and something is related to Gala. I reported crash I think. But now, in my VM, I can not reproduce it because I think it is related to Nouveau X driver with the hardware. Anyway, I can not let my workstation crash everyday any more. Let me just keep it in my VM in near future. Back to Fedora, it is so nice. Another reason is Evolution on Fedora supports Exchange very well, but I didn't what's reason the EWS didn't work on ElementaryOS. I think it should not be ElementaryOS, it should be caused by Ubuntu. But Fedora is wonderful as before. It took me ONLY 30 minutes to get Fedora workstation ready to work including such as AWSCli and so forth. With F22, up to now, the issue that I can NOT let the ...

GoLang, is it a compilable script?

It is the first time that I used GoLang for real work. Just a small piece of code which push Linux System memory and disk utilization to AWS CloudWatch from EC2 instance. It is easy task and Amazon also provide official Amazon Linux Monitor scripts for such topic, which is written by Perl. As working with CoreOS, I need a binary version for such scripts. I built go-aws-mon in about one day without any GoLang knowledge before. This is the repository on GitHub, As an operation guy, I just think about the compilable script -- GoLang, maybe it is not for system administrator when is designed. But now it is really easy to work with different system, operation tasks, especially in cloud environment with GoLang. Coding like Python, running like C/C++, that's really nice. It is easy to use AWS Go SDK, also similar to Python Boto.